Internet Pills: for a conscious use of Privacy
June 29, 2022PIMCity Project has been presented during a cycle of lectures organized by Centro SmartData@PoliTO from Politecnico di Torino in collaboration with Accademia delle Scienze in Turin.
The lectures are available online and are part of a workshop dedicated to professors and students from high school, covering topics related to the use of the Internet, such as:
- Web tracking and targeted advertising
- GDPR and EU protection
- Data Monetization
- Data Control
- Privacy and cybersecurity
- Phishing, spearphishing, anglerphising and identity theft
The workshop will become part of the activities pre-Bienniale Tecnologia that will be promoted both as part of “Biennial for Schools”. High school professors can join the workshop in presence at the Academy of Sciences (date to be determined – November 2022)