PIMCity will map the project’s stakeholder groups, analyse their interest, relevance, and role with regard to the project’s success and assign them priority levels. This shall help design specific and optimal public engagement, community building, and dissemination and communication strategies for underpinning the project’s technical and exploitation goals, including RRI compliance. Here we summarize the stakeholders that benefit of PIMCity.

Companies and public bodies willing to integrate solutions designed by the project to start new businesses or enforce existing ones
- New SMEs and start-ups
- Existing SMEs and corporates
- Public bodies

Individuals and companies willing to adopt the project solutions to manage their data
- Internet service users and subscribers (including individuals, companies, public organisations, etc.)
- Internet users’ and consumers’ associations

Advertising companies and data-centric businesses willing to act transparently and improve their reputation
- Advertisers, publishers, providers of digital platforms and service aggregators
- Public bodies

Potential intermediaries: Privacy and security businesses and stakeholders Affected sectors: online advertisers, and other digital and data-centric business and stakeholders
- Internet content providers: advertisers, publishers, providers of digital platforms and service aggregators
- Privacy and security businesses, providing inter alia, transparency and privacy auditing services.
- Trade associations: public-private partnerships and similar platforms (e.g., Big Data Value Association)

Organisations working on the design, implementation and/or enforcement of data protection, privacy and other digital society rights.
- National data protection agencies and related regional of transnational entities
- High-level national and EU working groups discussing regulatory and policy changes
- Advocacy groups and entities in the areas of security and safety, fundamental rights, data privacy and protection

Researchers concerned with privacy issues as key fundamental rights in the digital society
- Social-economic sciences and humanities: Policy research, Ethics, regulations, data protection, legal aspects, business models and competitiveness
- Computer and data science. Big Data management
- Other EU funded projects: Net innovation initiative, Next generation Internet, Science with and for society

- Citizens & Public society